Open Educational Resource Collection for Teachers
Browse by "Open Distance Learning"
Freeman, Richard (2005) Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]
Kanwar, Asha and Ferreira, Frances and Latchem, Colin, eds. (2013) Women and Leadership in Open and Distance Learning and Development. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN ISBN 978-1-894975-63-6
Cadwallader, Alan and Standring, Doug and Seelig, Caroline, eds. (2019) Transformation of Open Distance Flexible Learning at the intersection of national reform of Vocational Education and Training. [Teaching/Learning Resource]
Daniel, John Sagar (2019) Open Universities: Old concepts and contemporary challenges. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,, 20 (4).