Browse by Type

Group by: No Grouping | Curriculam Level | Authors | Subjects | Year
Number of items: 18.

4. Junior Secondary

The Open University, UK, ed. (2016) Geometry. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Illowsky, Barbara and Dean, Susan and Birmajer, Daniel and Blount,, Bryan and Boyd, Sheri and Einsohn, Matthew and Helmreich, James and Kenyon, Lynette and Lee, Sheldon and Taub, Jeff (2020) Statistics - High school. Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Peter Urone, Paul and Hinrichs, Roger and Tabor, Catherine and Gozuacik, Fatih and Pattison, Denise (2020) Physics - High School. Texas Education Agency (TEA). ISBN 13: 978-1-951693-21-3

5. Senior Secondary

Nottingham, University, ed. (2015) Interpreting distance-time graphs. Shell Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Beveridge, Richard (2014) Trigonometry. Self, OER Commons.

Corral, Michael (2021) Elementary Trigonometry. OER LibreTexts Project, California, USA.

7. Post secondary

Veletsianos, George, ed. (2016) Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning Foundations and Applications. Issues in Distance Education . Athabasca University Press, Canada. ISBN 9781771991506

Ally, Mohamed, ed. (2009) Mobile Learning Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Issues in Distance Education . AU Press. ISBN 9781897425442

Kanwar, Asha and Ferreira, Frances and Latchem, Colin, eds. (2013) Women and Leadership in Open and Distance Learning and Development. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN ISBN 978-1-894975-63-6

Global Education Monitoring Report, Team (2020) Global education monitoring report, 2020: Inclusion and education: all means all. UNESCO, France.

Greenlaw, Steven A. and Shapiro, David and Richardson, Craig and Sonenshine, Ralph and Keenan, Diane and MacDonald, Dan and Dodge, Eric and Gamez, Cynthia and Jauregui, Andres and Moledina, Amyaz (2017) Principles of Micro-economics 2e. for AP® Courses. RICE University.

Greenlaw, Steven A. and Shapiro, David and Richardson, Craig and Sonenshine, Ralph and Moledina, Amyaz and Dodge, Eric and Gamez, Cynthia and Jauregui, Andres and Keenan, Diane and MacDonald, Dan (2017) Principles of Macro-economics 2e. for AP® Courses. Rice University.

Lynch, John (1998) Pacific Languages: An Introduction. University of Hawai‘i Press, Hawai. ISBN 0–8248–1898–9

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018) How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures. Consensus Study Report . The National Academies Press, USA. ISBN 978-0-309-45967-9

Wolfe, Gregg and Gasper, Erika and Stoke, John and Kretchman, Julie and Anderson, David and Czuba, Nathan and Oberoi, Sudhi and Pujji,, Liza and Lyublinskaya, Irina and Ingram, Douglas (2015) Physics for AP® Courses. Rice University.

Zedalis, Julianne and Eggebrecht, John and Avissar, Yael and Choi, Jung and DeSaix, Jean and Jurukovski, Vladimir and Rye, Connie and Wise, Robert (2018) Biology for AP® Courses. Texas Education Agency (TEA).

9. Teacher Training

McGreal, Rory and Kinuthia, Wanjira and Marshall, Stewart and McNamara, Tim, eds. (2013) Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN 978-1-894975-62-9

Mays, Tony, ed. (2021) Reversioning OER: A Guide for Teachers in the Pacific. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada.

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